Category: food

Total 8 Posts


Guerilla Architects is an international collective of architects with focus on the forgotten and unused resources of our cities. Founded in 2012 in London, it is now based in Berlin, Göttingen and Sofia and aims for unconventional and subversive transformations of public spaces. With the project „mehr wert“ Guerilla Architects created a temporary waste-free restaurant.


The Austrian packaging company VPZ became National Champion at the European Business Awards 2016/17 and got the „Green Product Award 2016“ for their innovative and bio-degradable packaging solutions. Bettina Reichl, the owner,  got inspired during a visit to Vietnam by their natural wrapping materials, such as banana leaves. Another Austrian company,  JAUSNWRAP,  is using cotton


Roots are becoming more and more important. In times of globalisation people are starting to ask themselves „Where are my roots?“. To stay grounded in an always faster moving world, a rooted attitude is also of great help. This creates a growing demand of products associated with roots. Root vegetables are fashionable again, and not


It all started with food. What else? Food is pivotal for living and therefore also initiator of many mayor trends. SLOW FOOD has been created as an alternative to fast food. The focus is now on characteristics as local, seasonal and sustainable and involving also the senses of taste and smell. This SLOW MOVEMENT is 


With traditional advertising formats such as print, TV spots and web banners losing their impact and relevance, organizations must reframe marketing as a value-based relationship between consumers and brands. Building a community is the perfect tool to create a bonding which goes beyond the product between brand and customer. Lululemon, Canadian yoga fashion brand, is a


The shift from an industrial society to an information society initiated a body awareness trend. In the agricultural society, we worked our bodies hard doing our daily chores. Similarly, during our industrial period we did physical work on the job. As we moved into an information era, the demand on physical efforts shrank dramatically. We


No, that’s not – not yet – the latest product from the Louis Vuitton collection, but the creation from the Japanese artist Kazuki Guzmán. He describes his style as part of a playful exploration of ideas and materials. „I enjoy taking jokes seriously, until they become „art“, in one way or another.” Considering that the